
Content Specialist

Melissa is a long-time Edu-Tech Geek, writer, and consultant. Over the years, she has taught in a variety of classrooms, including at a children's museum, in middle and high schools, at colleges, and for corporate education programs. She specializes in Train-the-Trainer and teacher education, as well as in creative classroom methodologies. She has extensive experience in e-Learning, and enjoys knowing that she has helped thousands of individuals worldwide become more knowledgeable in their fields through the online courses she has helped to create. In addition, she has been a writer and editor for more than 20 years, and has provided consulting services for a wide variety of public and private institutions, including several exclusive clients. Her passions include ensuring the highest standards of quality (quality review/quality assurance) on every project in which she's involved, and most prefers projects that allow her to "be of service for the betterment of our world."